Werner Schmidt Observatory
210 Station Ave
Dennis-Yarmouth High School
South Yarmouth, MA 02664
The Werner Schmidt Observatory (I06), Lat N 41° 40′ 42″ Long W 70° 11′ 37″, includes a 12.5-foot Ash dome, and a warm room where much of the imaging from the dome can be viewed.

2015 09 27 10:12 EDT
Our equipment includes:
12 1/2 -inch Planewave telescope | 18-inch Obsession reflector |
Celestron 14-inch reflector | 101 mm Televue APO refractor |
8-inch Schmidt-Cassegrain | SBIG ST-8XE CCD camera |
8-inch Dobsonian | MallinCam color video camera |
6-inch Ritchey-Chretien on a Losmandy mount for photographic work | Stellacam STV video camera |
6-inch Meade LightSwitch | 47-inch LCD TV |
Two Solar hydrogen alpha telescopes (SolarMax II 60mm and Lunt LS100T) | Various computers with astronomy and other scientific software with Internet access |
If you are a CCAS member and wish to borrow a telescope for use at home, please check with the director of the observatory, Charlie Burke. We usually have loaner scopes available.