All of our staff are volunteers. Volunteers make the Werner Schmidt Observatory what it is and allows us to support the school district and the larger community.
If you would like to volunteer, please contact us, as we are looking for people who can help with Star Parties and general Observatory operations.
Positions available to operate and lead:
Dobsonian 8″ & 18″ (push-to) telescopes;
Celestron 8″ SCT (Goto) telescope;
Meade 6″ SCT LightSwitch (self-aligning and goto) telescope;
iOptron MiniTower mount with refractor telescope or solar telescope;
Oberwerk 20 x 80 binocular viewing; and
Night Sky and pointer and binocular “sky tours”
Our staff also performs maintenance, conducts projects, discusses astronomy topics with students and guests, and demonstrates astrophotography and spectroscopy. Training can be provided to those who are interested in participating!